St. John's Anglican Cathedral
This is the site of the first church in the Selkirk Settlement. Although this may be the fourth Anglican church on this site, you will note in the photo that the Scottish saltire is displayed behind the pulpit in recognition of the fact that the early Scots were very much a part of its early history.

Lord Selkirk had promised the Scotch emigrants that they would be sent a Presbyterian minister. This promise was never kept. However, the names of Anglican priests (John West, William Cochrane, David Jones) will long be cherished by the descendants of the Scottish settlers, because they liberally performed all the pastoral functions of which they stood in need . . . "visiting their sick, baptizing, marrying, burying, and even went so far as to adopt at one of the services of the Sabbath, a form of worship more nearly akin to that so dear to Presbyterian hearts".
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